English Eccentrics part 1- The Peckham Rye Kitchen

31st May 2016

By Helen Parker


If luxe and bohemian can be used together, then it is the perfect description for the Peckham Rye Classic Kitchen. A crazy mix of beautiful bespoke cupboards, ugly marble, collections of stunning art and pottery, this kitchen is already making a stir with our customers and the media. The paint on the cupboards is a cross between emerald and racing green, a great contrast to the deVOL brass door furniture, it is quite a change from the soft muted colours our customers usually choose, but it creates a fabulously dramatic and atmospheric kitchen.


Another photo shoot, means another trip down to London, which in turn means visiting and learning just a little bit more about this amazing city. This time we were south of the river and it really does have a different vibe, not sure how to describe it but it just seemed a bit more edgy, aesthetically varied and culturally mixed, I loved it. I read a blog by Naomi Woods who has moved to Peckham with her family, she said  It’s a place where people want to stay connected. I’m happy my daughter will grow up here, surrounded by so many people of such creeds and cultures. Because — aside from the food, the hair weaves and the music — it’s a place, you feel, where family might just be treasured above anything else.

As usual I like to have a little read about the area and learn something about the culture and the history and the vibe of the area I am visiting. The first thing to report is Peckham Rye is cockney rhyming slang for tie!!

Now back to the Kitchen and the first part of my two part blog on English Eccentrics!! This house wasn’t really too eccentric just a delightfully quirky home where every room was styled in a cool effortless almost thrown together way, some people just have the knack.




I love it when people take a risk with their interiors, take a look at that marble, being brave with these things makes for a fascinating room that is almost a painting in its own right. It struck me as we arrived how perfect our Classic English cupboards are. Designed in the eighties by Paul O’Leary, it doesn’t seem possible that something from the decade of shoulder pads and chrome yuppy interiors could have been conceived, what a triumph for really good classic design and quality and not being a slave to fashion. I can quite categorically say that Paul is definitely not a slave to fashion, how cool that turned out to be. Nearly thirty years on and the furniture has gone from the occasional Leicestershire home to the most glamorous houses of London.


English Eccentrics part two to follow tomorrow or the next day – a visit to Malplaquet House.


All photos by Tim and styling by me.